
Call for Applications

The RTG is not accepting any applications right now. The new Call for Applications will be announced in 2025.

 “Regional Disparities and Economic Policy”

Up to 8 fully-funded doctoral research positions in the DFG-funded Research Training Program (75% TVL E13)

Accepted candidates are expected to start on October 1, 2025

Application Deadline: May 25, 2025

The causes and consequences of regional disparities are subject to a lively debate both in academia and in public. Our Graduate Program in “Regional Disparities and Economic Policy” aims to provide an outstanding education for doctoral students in its research area while at the same time contributing to frontier research in the fields of labor, public, macro, gender, health and regional/urban economics.

Combining the expertise of eleven professors with different methodological skills, institutional knowledge, and data access from the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Ruhr-University of Bochum and the Technical University Dortmund, our research training group promises internationally visible scientific output and an excellent academic training environment for PhD candidates. We offer up to 8 fully-funded 3-year research positions  with the possibility of continuation funding.

For more details on the program, please visit our Home Page.

Full text of the Call for Applications may be found here

Application Instructions

Please merge the filled out Application Form and the supporting documents (listed below) in one single pdf file with filename: lastname_firstname_applyRTG.pdf.

The single pdf form should be sent to Dr. Cagla Diner at

Along with the filled out Application Form, your application should include the following documents and two letters of recommendation:

  1. Academic CV
  2. Letter of Motivation
  3. Academic transcripts and certificates/diplomas (high-school diploma, bachelor’s and master’s degree transcripts and certificates). If the Master or Bachelor transcript is not in English or German, you may provide an unofficial translation along with the scan of the original. An official translation may be needed in case of acceptance.
  4. German High School Diploma (Abitur), if applicable.
  5. GRE / GMAT scores
    GRE / GMAT scores are not strictly necessary but highly recommended for applicants who do not possess the German “Abitur”.
    A scanned version of the score report is sufficient. You do not need to send the results directly to us.
  6. Certificates to prove language skills (e.g. TOEFL /IELTS) A test of English proficiency is required only if

     (a) you are not a native speaker or

     (b) the language of instruction of your Master’s program was not English or

     (c) you do not possess a German Abitur
     A scanned version of the score report is sufficient. You do not need to send the results directly to us.

7. Any additional supporting material you see relevant for your application (such as thesis, publication(s) or working paper(s).

8. Two letters of recommendation from university professors or lecturers, sent directly to us at

The application deadline is May 25, 2025.

A complete application consists of the application package as described above and at least two letters of recommendation from university professors or lecturers. When contacting your referees, please ask them to use the Letters of Recommendation here. These should be emailed directly to us ( by the referees as instructed on the form. Please note that we do not initiate contact with your referees and it is your responsibility to inform your referees in a timely manner.

The RTG subscribes to the principles outlined in the Code of Ethics of the German Economic Association. We cherish values of professional and intellectual integrity, honesty, care, and transparency—and oppose any discriminatory behavior or harassment.